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05/09/2024 06:53:16 am - IP: - Columbus, Ohio, US. - ISP: ec2-3-145-63-136.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com

Nov-20-2023 AnimalRights
Animal Rights Activist Responds to Insult

Feb-02-2024 DrK
PIANOGATE LIVESTREAM - (under imminent threat of removal by YouTube)

Feb-08-2024 Resisting
Entitled Couple Finds Out They Don't Own the Street

The woman was charged with resisting. The charge was dismissed. It must be nice living in a city that is so crime free that the police feel that they must invent crimes to justify their jobs.

Jan-23-2024 School
High School Student Arrested After Flashing Handgun At Students In Class Room

Oct-19-2023 NextSound
Pirate Battle Music

Nov-27-2023 Drama
Confidential Agent

Feb-15-2024 Psychology
Psych 9A. Psych Fundamentals. Lecture 01 Course Introduction

Dec-13-2023 Math4
Math 4. Math for Economists. Lecture 01. Introduction to the Course

Dec-16-2023 Commercials
Zero Attitude: Korean Pepsi Commercial

Nov-20-2023 ElliotRodger
Elliot Rodger explains his Killing Spree

Oct-09-2023 FreeAudio
Starburst Dream by Danosongs

Oct-09-2023 FreeAudio
Alter by Hunter Milo


Nov-30-2023 AirPlane
Lady on Plane is Upset Sitting Beside Trump Supporter
